Life Messages for the Believer


Is it lawful to cremate our dead? How do you wisely deal with inlaw challenges? How do fathers who have dropped the ball get back on track in leading their families? What does the Bible says about the virtues of contentment, humility, and thankfulness, as well as the vices of pride, selfishness, and ingratitude? How can children learn to act nobly in a culture bent toward trivial pursuits? These and other important messages are explored in this collection of 12 audio sermons.



Life Messages for the Believer

12 Audio Messages on Mp3
By Wesley Strackbein

Is it lawful to cremate our dead? How do you wisely deal with challenging inlaw relationships? What happens when fathers drop the ball in leading their wives and children, and how do they get back on track and restore order to their families? How can children learn to act nobly in a culture bent toward trivial pursuits? What hope do Christians have in the midst of persecution and national judgment, and how should they respond to such difficult challenges? What does the Bible says about the blessed virtues of contentment, humility, and thankfulness, as well as the corrupting vices of pride, selfishness, and ingratitude? These and other important life messages are explored by Wesley Strackbein in this collection of 12 audio sermons on MP3.

Messages included:
  1. Even as God Pronounces Judgment, He Promises Hope (87 min.)
  2. Pride & Humility: An Introductory Survey (87 min.)
  • The Total Depravity of Man: A Doctrinal Overview (60 min.)
  • Inlaw Wars: Lessons from Jacob’s Departure from Laban (59 min.)
  • Patriarchs Take Charge: Putting Away the Family Idols (78 min.)
  • Seeing the Big Picture: Jacob’s New-Found Resolve (60 min.)
  • Additional information


    CD, MP3 Download

    Running Time

    Over 14 Hours

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